sorry, but i won't be providing images for this particular post... :(
but first, here's more information about some basics of the game...
Sudden Death
here's a more accurate detail about the Sudden Death during Battle..
rivals are initially given three (3) minutes to do the battling..
during the last minute, the Elixir regeneration rate is doubled (x2), so players must use that chance to gain the advantage, or make it a tie in order to go for a Sudden Death, or at least try to get a Crown if you're working on the Crown Chest..
if the 3-minute battle ends with a tie, a Sudden Death match is initiated..
during the Sudden Death, the battle is provided with a 1-minute extension, with the Elixir regeneration rate still at (x2)..
who ever gets the advantage (destroy a Crown Tower) first wins the match..
but if the extension time still ends with a tie, then the result of the match is declared as a Draw...
Crown Chest
i'm not sure if it's a glitch or not..
but the Crown Chest mission can be stacked up to 2 times..
like if you have missed completing it for 2 or more days, then you will be able to play it twice in a row..
once you have filled the Crown Chest gauge and opened the Crown Chest for the first time, after opening that Chest you will see that the Crown Chest gauge is active for the second time...
now here are some (might be) useful strategies...
Enter Arena & Wait:
there are Cards which you can only obtain from specific Arenas..
the good news is that, all the cards which you have previously unlocked can still be obtained from higher level Arenas..
but higher level Arenas require a specific amount or number of Trophies before you can access them - and that's the problem (there is a fix value but it's not very strict, like sometimes you need 1,400+ Trophies to enter a certain Arena but you may stay there even if you lose a few times and your Trophy count drops to only 1,350+)..
sometimes you may find yourself fighting inside a new Arena to which you still don't have access yet, because your ranking matches someone inside that Arena (winning such battle will reward you with a Treasure Chest from that Arena level, but you will not automatically gain access to that Arena until you reach the desired number of Trophies)...
since sometimes you'll find it hard maintaining your ranking upon entering a new Arena, it might be better or wiser for you to just make use of the bonus Chests, Request & Donate function, and the Shop in order to build a better Deck (rather than battling and getting kicked out of that Arena)..
upgrading your key Common Cards up to Level 7 and your Rare Cards up to Level 4 might be a good preparation for future battles...
in addition, since entering higher level Arenas gives you access to new sets of cards, it lessens the probability of obtaining each type of Card that you have already unlocked coz more choices are added to the pool..
if you want to stick with leveling up certain Cards, you may consider staying within the Arena level where such Cards can be obtained..
this gives you more chances of obtaining your desired Cards...
i noticed that every time i Battle continuously, the first match usually seems to be easier compared to the succeeding matches..
i'm not sure, but the game system seems to match you up with better players every time you initiate a new Battle..
it is as if the system wants to make it hard for you to climb the rankings...
this is why i suggest that you only do the first Battle every time you open the game app..
it will not be a sure win, but it will (usually) somehow give you a fair match up..
after each Battle, get whatever rewards you have acquired (if ever you won), and when you're back to the Battle Page just close the app, then open it again if you still have to Battle...
Show No Mercy:
there are times when you would notice that your opponent is not fighting normally (like he's not deploying Troops at all, having internet connection issues, or just making faces using the Battle's conversation tool while you're busy destroying his territory)...
there are some players who give away Battles (i'm not sure why, but maybe they just want to go lower in the rankings to limit their Card access)..
there are cases when you would notice that your opponent is not playing at all (probably got busy suddenly)..
also, there are times when you may experience that your opponent will leave the match coz he's been disconnected to the internet..
during such time, all you have to do is unleash your full force, summon every Card that you have straight to a Crown Tower and then to the King's Tower and win that match - that simple..
climbing the rankings is a tough task, so you better grab every opportunity to win a Battle and earn Trophies...
Good Defense Equals Great Offense:
most players don't bother whether their Elixir Gauge gets full at the start of a Battle (i'm the opposite :p)..
they do this to prepare for a defensive strategy..
what they do is wait for the opponent to deploy his Troops, take note of his Elixir usage and Cards on hand, then they provide defense to their Crown Tower (something which can annihilate the attacking forces and do a counter-attack)..
if your defense is really good, not only will you be able to put the Elixir expenditure of your opponent go to waste, but your defensive Troop might also be powerful enough to take down a Crown Tower during that exchange...
Know the Eight (8) Cards of your Opponent & the Elixir Cost:
knowing the Deck of your opponent will give you an idea on how you can counter his Troops and also an idea of what Cards he can use to counter yours..
knowing the Elixir cost of each of your opponent's Cards on the other hand can give you an idea on how long it will take before he can deploy another Troop (example, if your opponent consecutively summoned a Giant and a Witch which already cost 10 Elixir in total and his cheapest Card costs 4 Elixir, then he will have to wait for sometime before he can summon a Card again)...
remember that each player can't summon the same type of Card consecutively..
currently, this is ONLY possible if he has the Mirror Card (but technically, that is still a different Card which costs +1 more Elixir compared to what it is copying)...
Troop Placement:
troop placement is a part of the strategy..
the type of Target and the Range are factors which a character use in order to decide who it will attack first or which way will it go..
usually, characters attack who ever gets inside their Range first, and they will stick to attacking that target until it dies..
and you can use this information in order to give your troops better attack-assignments rather than making them decide on their own..
for example, you can put a melee-attacker directly beside a ranged-attacker (since ranged-attackers usually have less Hit Points compared to melee-attackers)..
or if you want to get rid of supporting troops at the back of another enemy character, then you should place your own troop where they can hit those enemies at the back...
troop placement should also be defensive, or else the enemy can just wipe your troops out just by using Arrows, Fireball, or Rocket before they can even cross the bridge..
i guess the #1 rule here (though not always, coz it really depends on your enemy's deck) is to try to avoid making your troops move near your Crown Towers because this will give an opportunity for a 2-in-1 attack if the enemy has Fireball or Rocket..
rivals can also use Freeze in order to stop troops which are defending near the Crown Tower..
for example, players usually ambush the Witch and groups or combination of low Hit Points troops while they are moving around a Crown Tower - because it will not only annihilate or give those troops heavy damage before they can even cross the bridge, but it will also damage the Crown Tower..
that is a sample where Elixir is wasted, because your enemy can easily counter your attacking troops (worse, no troop at all) and even push forward to destroy your Crown Tower...
the Type of Card, Target, and the Range can also be used to counter your opponent's attack..
for example, you may summon a troop-producing building (near the enemy Range) in order to distract a Card which only attacks buildings so it will not attack your Crown Tower first..
you may also summon troops behind your enemy (within their Range but closer compared to other more important targets such as the Crown Tower), so they will be forced to backtrack and fight your troop first (provided that the enemy can Target the troop that you just summoned)..
luring enemies to move back (or get out of their usual route) and fight a stronger character is a good strategy in order to weaken your opponent's offense and give more time for your Elixir to regenerate, and it also helps you prepare for your next big attack...
also, consider the movement Speed of your troops when you're deploying them in pairs or groups...
here are some Cards which are quite easy to acquire and are very useful in Battles:
• Giant (Rare)
costs 5 Elixir, Targets: Buildings..
it has a very high Hit Points, and can act as a defensive character (you can lure the enemies to attack it while your other troops eliminate the defending enemies or try to break a Crown Tower)..
his Target being limited to buildings is both a weakness and an advantage..
it is a weakness because he can't defend himself despite his high Damage rate, plus he can be lured or distracted by other buildings..
but sometimes i can also consider it as an advantage because he just attacks whatever he can..
since he is a Rare Card, it is also easier to upgrade him compared to other high Hit Points characters..
the Skeleton Army can kill him in a few seconds..
he should always be backed up by at least a Bomber, better if a Witch, or a Baby Dragon for Area Damage plus other troops...
• Skeleton Giant (Epic)
costs 6 Elixir, Targets: Ground..
another high Hit Points character, but is quite hard to upgrade since he is an Epic Card..
he is better than the Giant in the sense that he can defend himself and kill enemies along the way..
but that can also be a weakness since he can be lured by any troops or buildings..
because he can fight ground troops, a better and fast way to eliminate him is to use Minion Horde..
a plus for him is that he leaves a big bomb in place once he dies, but a good way to negate its effect is to summon your troops behind him so that they will not cross where the bomb is when the Skeleton Giant is already dead..
like the Giant, he should always be backed up by at least a Bomber, better if a Witch, or a Baby Dragon for Area Damage plus other troops...
• Valkyrie (Rare)
costs 4 Elixir, Targets: Ground..
she's an anti-ground-swarm trooper..
she does Area Damage around her, so she's very effective against the Skeleton Army and other low Hit Points swarm (even against average-level Barbarians)..
you can also place her beside ranged-attackers like the Witch or the Musketeer in order to get rid of them immediately..
a good way to eliminate her is to deploy Minion Horde just above her...
• Witch (Epic)
costs 5 Elixir, Targets: Air & Ground..
she's a semi-anti-swarm for both air and ground..
just a semi- because she's weak against melee-attackers..
a big plus about her is that she can summon 3 Skeletons over some period of time (like when you summon her from the King's Tower, she will immediately summon 3 Skeletons, and by the time she reaches the bridge she can again summon 3 more Skeletons, so you already have 6 supporting Skeletons when you cross the bridge)..
a good way to eliminate her is to use Fireball or Rocket when she's walking beside their own Crown Tower, that way your Crown Tower alone can defend itself from her once she crosses the bridge..
to defend a Witch, you may deploy a Valkyrie or Barbarians in front of her...
• Bomber (Common)
costs 3 Elixir, Targets: Ground..
he's a low-cost anti-ground-swarm trooper because he does high Area Damage..
his weakness is that he has quite a low Hit Points, so both melee- and ranged-attackers can easily take him down..
you should always summon him where he is safe or covered (like at the back of the Crown Tower or a Giant)...
• Musketeer (Rare)
costs 4 Elixir, Targets: Air & Ground..
she's a long ranged trooper (that is her advantage), and does high damage as well..
an average trooper that can provide cover for both ground and air..
another advantage is that her Range is better compared to some Defensive Buildings, so she can destroy them without taking a hit..
she's weak against high Hit Points melee-attackers..
• Fireball (Rare)
costs 4 Elixir, Targets: Air & Ground..
it's a good way to eliminate enemy swarm..
but it's a lot better if you can use it near the enemy's Crown Tower, so you can damage your opponent's tower while killing or weakening his troops..
for me, it has also been very effective in deciding battles or Sudden Death matches when one of the enemy's Crown Tower is already below 100 in Hit Points...
• Baby Dragon (Epic)
costs 4 Elixir, Targets: Air & Ground..
an anti-swarm character..
he can do Area Damage and is safe against ground-attackers..
also a good way to directly attack Defensive Towers summoned by the opponent, since he can just fly over the border..
his flight speed can be a disadvantage sometimes because he can easily leave behind a troop formation..
best way to get rid of him is to deploy high level Minion Horde around him...
here are some additional Cards...
• Skeleton Army (Epic)
costs 4 Elixir, Targets: Ground..
well, they are good in killing high Hit Points enemies like the Giant, Skeleton Giant, Hog Rider, and the basic Crown Towers..
but they can be easily eliminated using Arrows or Fireball, or a Baby Dragon or even a perfectly placed Bomber...
• Minion Horde (Common)
costs 5 Elixir, Targets: Air & Ground..
they are pretty advantageous in dealing with ground-attackers of any number..
they can even kill a Witch or destroy a Crown Tower if placed perfectly..
they can be easily eliminated using Arrows or Fireball...
• Balloon (Epic)
costs 5 Elixir, Targets: Buildings..
it's fast, probably a little faster compared to a Baby Dragon..
plus it can deal very high damage against Crown Towers..
its weaknesses are; it is defenseless against air-attackers, and it can be distracted using Defensive Towers which can attack air troops..
the fastest way to eliminate a Balloon is by deploying Minion Horde in front of it..
you may back it up with a Baby Dragon for its defense...
• Hog Rider (Rare)
costs 4 Elixir, Targets: Buildings..
he is like a Prince who only attacks buildings, plus he can jump across the river (but i think only when he sees a target building near the river)..
he's fast and inflicts high damage..
but unlike the Balloon, any air- or ground-attackers can dispose of him..
you can easily eliminate him by deploying Skeleton Army or Minion Horde in front of him..
it's quite hard to defend or support him from his back since he moves very fast and his Hit Points is just average, but you may use Baby Dragon to back him up...
Card Upgrade:
upgrading your cards is a key in winning battles..
for non-dollar users, it may take a while before you can improve your Deck, since it costs Gold to upgrade your cards (and even when buying additional cards from the Shop)..
it is really an advantage to use dollars if you want to get a strong Deck quickly (or anything or any means that can get you Gold or Gems)...
here's Part 1 of this Game Guide:
Clash Royale Game Guide
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